Frequently Asked Questions
What are the commission levels?
Affiliates can earn 50% rev share on all signups and recurring billing.
Can my rate ever decrease?
What payout methods can I choose?
Once you are eligible for a payout from us, we can pay you via ACH bank transfer or via most online payment sites such as Cashapp, Revolut, Skrill, Google Pay or others.
When will I be paid?
We pay out on the 15th of every month based on last month's earnings. You must earn $50 to be eligible for a payout. If you do not earn $50 in any given month, the earnings you do have will roll over until you reach this payout level.
Is there a limit as to how much I can earn?
No. The more money you make, the more money we make. We encourage all affiliates to make as much as possible.
Why are my commissions pending?
We approve commissions up to 14 days after the initial transaction. This is due to potential chargebacks or refunds.
How long are cookies tracked for?
Cookies are tracked for 180 days or until a user deletes their cookies
Can I make my own banners and ads?
Yes. Feel free to make whatever types of ads you want.